Wednesday 31 January 2018

Krispy Kreme Valentines doughnuts

You may be aware that Krispy Kreme have released three limited edition doughnus for Valentines day - double strawberry heart, raspberry chocolate heart, and lovable sprinkles.

I spotted all three newbies in the Krispy Kreme cabinet at my local Tesco and couldn't resist buying the two heart doughnuts. I didn't bother with the lovable sprinkles, as there is nothing new about a chocolate iced ring, covered in hundreds and thousands.

Three doughnuts cost me £5.45 (I also got a chocolate dream cake) which I'm almost certain is standard for a Krispy Kreme trio.

The heart shaped treats certainly looked the part. I especially liked the cute face adorning the double strawberry one, which reminded me of the Love Bug that Krispy Kreme brought out a few years ago.


I started with this one, because it's the one I thought I'd like the least, as I'm not overly keen on raspberry.

I took a bit bite and the promised chocolate truffle and raspberry Kreme was no where to be seen! Already I felt disappointed, even though the icing was tasty and the dough was spot on - let's get real - we are all here for that kreme!

Finally I got to the gooey "middle", which was minimal. I feel pretty disappointed by how little kreme there was, as it was actually very tasty! The chocolate was the most dominant flavour, but there was a gorgeous tang from the raspberry and they two flavours worked harmoniously together.

I wish there had been more filling, because I would have given this doughnut a rave review. As it is, I will definitely get another in the hope that this was a dud doughnut, but I was left some what disheartened this time.


The description of this is pretty much the exact same of the Strawberry Kreme, (fyi - one of my favourites) but the heart shape and cute face kind of makes this better!

The dough was soft and delicious, with that texture that you only get with a Krispy Kreme. The crunch of the glaze, as I bit into the heart is my favourite thing about these doughnuts. I love the crisp texture, before that soft dough that precedes the gooey middle.

Hurrah! This one did not disappoint in the kreme department - it was full of that delicious strawberry centre. It was sweet and tangy and just absolutely delicious. Definitely my favourite and one I can't wait to get again!


These doughnuts are not very innovative, but they are tasty and most definitely worth trying while they're still around. I will definitely be treating myself to some more, lets just hope the raspberry chocolate heart actually contains some kreme next time!

Munchy stuff

Monday 29 January 2018

Cadburys Freddo face cakes

Cadbury obviously know that we're all Freddo obsessed, as they're pedalling out the froggy products at the moment, with two new Freddo treats gracing the shelves. You might have seen my son's biscuit review video on Instagram, so today I thought I'd give you my thoughts on the Freddo face cakes.

The pack of 6 cakes cost me £1.50 at Morrisons. Normally I'd have waited for them to go on offer, but I was so excited about these cakes, meaning I was willing to pay full price.

I was pleasantly suprised at the size of these Freddo treats. I was expecting them to be Oreo sized, but they were about the size of a Wagon Wheel. They smelt like standard Madeira cake and the Freddo face adorned my sponge cake, as promised.

I took a bite and the texture of the sponge was light and airy, which is my favourite type of cake. I had assumed the texture would resemble a Jaffa cake, so this was another unexpected turn. Taste wise, the cake was like any generic vanilla sponge; that's not to say it wasn't nice - it was actually really tasty - but it was familiar and nothing special.

The chocolate middle was sweet, with that comforting Cadbury chocolate taste that we all love, even if we all moan about the decreasing quality. If you've tried them, the chocolate element was like a more solid version of the chocolate filling of the Dairy Milk muffins - tasty and so very moreish.

The sponge to chocolate ratio is spot on and the cakes are a really tasty treat. They aren't really that innovative, but I think Cadburys are hoping that the popularity of Freddo bars will be enough to get people buying them.

I'd get them again, but I wouldn't pay full price - as I still prefer their aforementioned muffins. These are definitely worth picking up, and they're definitely far better than the Heroes cupcakes.

Munchie stuff

Monday 22 January 2018

Asda Extra Special red velvet melting puddings

Every evening, when my kids are finally in bed, I settle down with a dessert, my go to being cheesecake or ice cream. I was in Asda, looking for my favourite Extra Special millionaires cheesecake, when I spotted these red velvet puddings, and I just couldn't resist!

The pack of two chocolate puddings costs £2.50 and, based on the love heart decoration, I'm assuming these are a valentines day special. 

It wasn't until I got the desserts home that I realised the filling was chocolate. Red velvet is obviously synonymous with cream cheese, so I had expected it to be involved in this pudding, but Asda have chosen to play it safe with dark chocolate. Ah well, It's a good job I'm a chocoholic.

These were an utter nightmare to lift off the plastic tray, and the bottom of my sponge pudding got left behind. Don't worry, I made sure I picked it off - I was not leaving that chocolate ganache behind! When I finally manoeuvred it onto my plate, I whacked it in the microwave for 30 seconds, enough time to get my dessert gooey, but not too hot that I couldn't tuck right in.

Erm, Asda, where is my gooey middle? I was expecting a gush of melted chocolate, but nothing happened! The sponge did have a nice red hue, but I was too busy trying to find my melting middle to rejoice over my red cake.

The red velvet sponge was nice - mild cocoa taste and a lovely light texture - it was just nothing special. I really like that Asda went for red velvet, but they could have been so much more creative with this.

The ganache was beautiful - rich, with a gorgeous dark chocolate taste, which made up for the average sponge cake. I am so disappointed that my pudding lacked the promised gooey centre, because that would have made an average dessert a really good dessert.

This is the first time I've been disappointed by an Asda pudding. Sure, It's nice enough, but it is far from innovative and I'm not sure if I'll ever get over the lack of gooey middle. I wish they'd used a cream cheese - or even a white chocolate - filling, which I think would have worked far better with the red velvet sponge.

Sorry Asda, but I shan't be buying these again! A pretty disappointing and rather lacklustre dessert.

Munchie Stuff

Saturday 20 January 2018

Jim Buddy peanut butter protein doughnut

Given that we are still in January, the month synonymous with diets and weight loss, it seems only right I review a diet friendly treat.

Last week I placed an order with Cardiff Sports Nutrition (top class service, in case you're interested) and finally got my hands on a Jim Buddy doughnut.

The 50g doughnut cost me £2.75 - remember though, this is a protein product - and contains 8g of protein and just 99 calories, which I think is about a quarter of a Reeses doughnut from Krispy Kremes.

I had my doughnut for breakfast, accompanied by a coffee - channelling my inner American cop stereotype - what better breakfast is there?

The peanut butter icing is super sweet! It's gritty and definitely had that mild tangy, chemical after taste, that tends to be the norm with protein products. It wasn't horrible, but I could definitely tell that it was a fitness food. Fortunately, I could certainly taste the peanut butter, so at least it lived up to it's name.

The dougnut it's self was a suprise - it was light, with a sponge cake texture and tasted absolutely delicious. It wasn't very sweet, which made it the perfect partner for the tooth achingly sweet icing. I definitely prefer proper bready, doughy doughnuts, but this was a good substitute.

Now, this is most definitely not going to replace my Krispy Kreme fix, but it's really nice to see more and more healthier offerings that actually taste good! They are pricy, but if they help you to stick to your diet then you probably won't mind paying a bit extra.

I would definitely get these again, especially because I have been eying up the chocolate orange doughnut. Look out for that review in the future!

Munchie stuff

Thursday 18 January 2018

Carrs cheddar and onion batons

January - the month of diets and health kicks, the month to undo the damage caused by a month of festive eating, but also the month when the shops are full of new snacks and easter goodies!

I promise myself daily that I will eat healthier, but I see a "new" label emblazoned on a box and that's it, which is how I come to buy these Carr cheese and onion batons.

The 100g box of pastry batons cost me £1.50 from Tesco.

I had been expecting a chunky sized snack, but these batons are actually teeny - probably about half the size of a Kit Kat finger - but the packet was full of these little pastry morsels, so you do get your money's worth.

I shoved a baton in my mouth and could instantly taste the cheese. It reminded me a little of the burnt, crispy bits of cheese on a slice of cheese on toast - delicious. The onion isn't noticeable initially, but there's a subtle hint that comes through as you chew. Cheese and onion is always a great combination and most definitely work with the pastry baton. The cheese has a tasty tang that perfectly compliments the onion's sweetness.

The pastry was beautiful - crisp and flaky, with a delicious buttery taste. The pastry here avoids being too dry, which can sometimes be a problem with cheese straws; it really is a good flaky pastry.

These aren't a particularly innovative snack, but they are very tasty, very moreish and very cheesy! I will definitely be giving the other flavours a go.

Munchie stuff

Monday 15 January 2018

M&S fiery sweet potato fries

While browsing the pizzas at M&S the other week, I spotted these sweet potato fries, which immediately made their way into my basket - I just love sweet potato. Having tried and enjoyed their dirty fries, I had high hopes for these M&S cheese covered sweet potato chips.

The tray of fries costs £3, which is the same as the dirty fries and their pizza fries. Covered in cheese and jalepeno, these looked delicious before they were even cooked.

I left them in the oven for ten minutes longer than instructed, allowing the cheese to turn golden and crispy. They smelt absolutely delicious.

First off, I ate fry without any cheese sauce and have to admit to feeling rather disappointed. When I think of sweet potato fries, I imagine seasoned, crispy chips; what I got in this case was mush. I found the taste to be a little like butternut squash, which left me feeling somewhat deflated.

With the cheese sauce, the fries taste better, but there is still no texture other than pureed sweet potato; and don't get me started on those promised jalepenos! Where on earth were my spicy peppers? There was no heat, meaning these were really lacking the stated "fiery" flavour.

The cheese sauce is tasty enough, but doesn't make up for the sloppy chips and absent jalapenos. There was plenty of cheese, which I was grateful for, as it helped mask the odd taste and texture of the fries.

These most definitely will not be something I'd buy again and not something I'd recommend. An absolute disappointment. What a waste of £3.

Munchie stuff

Sunday 14 January 2018

Cadburys flake cupcakes

I ran a poll on Instagram on Thursday night, asking if I should review these new Cadburys flake cupcakes, for the 88% of voters who said yes - this review is for you!

Now, you may have seen my comment that £2 was far too much to spend on 2 tiny cakes and I stand by that. However, I spotted the cakes at my local One Stop Shop where they were £1.25, which seemed like a far more reasonable price and was all the encouragement I needed to buy them.

These little cakes come in a pack of 2, at the prices stated above. There's also a Crunchie pack, which may be reviewed in the future.

Now, everyone bemoans the quality of Cadburys chocolate and how it has gone down hill over the years, but I still love a bag of giant buttons or a bar of whole nut. I also love their muffins which came out last year, so I was hoping these cupcakes would be as good as those!

They smelt really chocolatey when I opened the plastic packaging, my mouth was already watering! I nibbled a little bit of the buttercream, which was sweet, chocolatey... and, unfortunately, a little bit cheap and synthetic tasting. Still, in for a penny, I took a big bite anyway...

Ok, I take it back! When I ate the buttercream with the cake, the combination just worked! The buttercream was almost fudge like in texture and taste; gone was that cheap taste and instead was pure chocolate comfort!

The sponge cake is lovely, with a more dense and crumbly texture. That heavier cake would normally disappoint me, as I prefer a lighter sponge; but, in this instance, the dense sponge just worked in harmony with the buttercream. It's a shame these cakes are tiny, because they are very tasty!

There is absolutely no way I'd spend £2 on these, because they are so very small. They're tasty, but not tasty enough to part with £2. When I think that the Cadbury muffins are the sa well I know what I'd prefer. That said, I would grab them again while they are on offer and would encourage trying them - just not at full price!

Munchie stuff

Friday 12 January 2018

M&S red pesto chicken ready meal

A few days ago, whilst browsing the ready meals in M&S, I came across this new red pesto chicken from their Balanced for You range. I didn't buy it, but I went home and regretted leaving it on the shelf. A few of my Instagram followers asked for review, so it was only right I went back to get it.

The meal costs £5, which I think is pretty steep - even for M&S - so I grabbed 3 meals for £10 (salmon and chilli were my other choices).

The meal consists of chicken, spinach pasta, peppers and butternut squash, with a red pesto sauce. It looked tasty and smelt amazing, as it heated up in the microwave.

Excuse my presentation - I was too eager to eat!

The chicken was very tasty, with a lovely sharpness from the pesto. I was pleasantly suprised at how juicy the meat was, as chicken has the tendency to go dry when it's microwaved.

The spinach pasta was nice, but I expected more spinach flavour and it lacked a bit in that department. Still a good pasta though, and it tasted delicious with the sauce.

I enjoyed the peppers (fun fact: red peppers are the only ones I actually like) as they were sweet, juicy and had plenty of flavour. They'd maintained some crunch, which was a nice contrast in texture to the rest of the meal.

The butternut squash I wasn't keen on at all, as it had turned mushy and had a very bitter taste to it. I always find butternut squash a bit hit and miss, and I think green beans or courgette would have worked better with this meal.

The sauce was beautiful - full of flavour, with a sharpness that was cut by sweetness from the red pepper in the sauce. It was gorgeous, but there just wasn't enough of it, which is a massive shame.

I enjoyed this meal and it was lovely to see something new in the Balanced for You selection. However, this meal is definitely not work £5 and I wouldn't buy it at that price. The portion is quite small and the sauce:pasta ratio is totally off. I'd have it again, but it wouldn't be a regular purchase.

Munchie stuff

Thursday 11 January 2018

Halo Top UK, part 1

You may be aware that Halo Top ice cream has made it's way to the UK. This low cal, healthy option ice cream is said to out sell Ben & Jerry and Haagen Daz in the US, so I was very excited when I heard it was coming to the UK.

There are 7 flavours in total and I decided to start with cinnamon roll and peanut butter cup, as they were the flavours that appealed to me the most. At £5 a tub, they are quite pricey, but I didn't have the patience to wait for an offer.


Having never tried cinnamon ice cream before, this was doubly exciting for me and I couldn't wait to get stuck in!

I'll be honest, I was expecting something between a sorbet and a frozen yogurt and - although this wasn't as densely creamy as the likes of Ben & Jerry's - this has a good ice cream texture that isn't compromised by being low in fat, calories and sugar.

The cinnamon flavour is so good - spicy with a nice heat that just works so well at this time of year. I was both suprised and impressed with the fact that, not only does the ice cream contain actual bits of cinnamon roll, but also that they were plentiful.

Overall a great tub of ice cream that is far too easy to polish off.


First off, this contains actual roasted peanuts, which had me impressed from the word go. This entire tub contains just a quarter of the Ben&Jerry's tub by the same name, so definitely one for dieters.

I wasn't expecting a swirl of any kind and, as a swirl lover, I was super impressed with that. The ice cream it's self has a gorgeous nutty flavour and really hits the spot for peanut butter cravings. I think this would be a brilliant accompaniment to a warm peanut nutter Carbkilla bar.

Another great tasting tub.

So, am I converted? Well, I can't say it would become my go to - given the choice between this and a tub of B&J's Sofa so good, I know I'd stay faithful to my boys, Ben and Jerry. However, Halo Top is perfect for indulging when you're dieting and still feels like a satisfying treat.

The ice cream has a great creamy texture that coats your tongue as it melts. I genuinely think this could help keep dieters on track as it almost tastes as good as a full fat pud, and is without a doubt a tasty tub!

I am definitely converted and will certainly be making my way through the other 5 flavours. I am so glad Halo Top have arrived! Look out for part 2, as next on my list are the mint choc chip and sea salt caramel.

Munchie stuff

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Dairy Milk vanilla mousse bunny

Apparently I wasn't alone in my quest to find the vanilla mousse snowmen at Christmas, alas it seems Cadbury only released the chocolate version!

Now, I know everyone bemoans the appearance of Easter chocolate while we'r still munching mince pies and selection boxes, but I was super excited to spot the vanilla mousse bunnies in Morrisons. Did I buy some? Of course I did!

The concept is essentially the same as the festive snowman - Dairy Milk chocoate with a mousse filling, but this has a vanilla flavoured centre and is shaped like a bunny. The 30g bar costs 65p, but I picked up 2 for £1.

Unlike the phallic Santas, at least this actually looks like the thing it's meant to be, and what cute bunny it is... I bit off it's head!

The Cadbury chocolate is standard Dairy milk but that vanilla mousse is the star here - it's light, fluffy and creamy, with a delicious sweet and milky taste. It's suprisingly rich and creamy and pairs well with the Cadburys chocolate.

I said on Instagram that they remind me of the Dairy Milk Bliss bars, which I loved; and over which I felt a great sense of loss when I realised they'd been discontinued! If you liked those bars then you will love these. I will certainly be making sure I stock up while they're still around.

Munchie stuff

Monday 8 January 2018

Bonne maman chocolate caramel petite tartlets

I've come across these tartlets a few times whilst out shopping, but I've always decided not to bother buying them. Bonne Maman are of course synonymous with jams, conserves and spreads, and I just wasn't sure they'd be very good at baked treats.

While I was in Morrisons, these little tarts were on offer, which seemed like the perfect time to bite the bullet and give them a go.

A box of 9 tartlets cost £1, but I think the normal price varies between £1.50 and £2.

Now, these tarts really are mini - probably around the size of an Oreo. They are also individually wrapped, for those who don't want to inhale the entire box.

I was suprised when I bit into the tartlet; I'd been expecting a pastry tart, but the case is actually crispy and crunchy - a little like Leibniz biscuit, but definitely more crisp. It's buttery and rich - a little bit like a shortbread in taste - and that crunch works so well with the gooey innards.

The caramel is gorgeous - buttery, sweet and so moreish, it tastes very indulgent. The chocolate topping is delicious! It's milky, with a good cocoa taste and works harmoniously with the caramel layer. The great thing about these tartlets is that you can taste every single element and they all work perfectly together.

I'm sorry I haven't ventured into the world of Bonne Maman desserts and baked treats before now, as I have most certainly been missing out! I picked the lemon tartlets up at the same time as these ones, and I will be reviewing those in a future post.

Munchie stuff

Thursday 4 January 2018

Chicken tikka naanster

I first discovered naansters a few years back, but they seemed to disappear for a while, before returning with a whole new selection - chicken tikka, chicken balti, vegetable balti and beef madras. I really enjoyed them first time round, so when I spotted them at Sainsburys, I grabbed the good old chicken tikka - surely the best curry available?

Costing £2, this filled naan bread is around the same price as a sandwich, and the perfect hot lunch for this cold weather.

You stab the paper packaging and whack it in the microwave for 90 seconds, then leave it to stand for one minute - not too technical, but I hate that minute long wait!

 My initial thought was that it looked rather anaemic, not at all like those golden, doughy naan breads I love from an Indian take away. It smelt good though, so I still had high hopes.

I was pleasantly suprised by the amount of fillen encased in the naan, and there was definitely nice amount of chicken. The meat looked like real chicken breast too, nothing like the reconstituted fake stuff that they use in those Rustler chicken burgers and paninis.

The filling was beautiful - perfectly seasonsed, with juicy chicken pieces and the ratio of sauce:meat was spot on!

There was filling in every bite, which was just as well as the naan bread it's self was a little chewy at the edges and slightly soggy underneath! The flavour was great, the texture of the bread was just a little rubbish. That may, however, be my hungry head's fault, as I probably only allowed my naanster to stand for half the time. Who knew 30 seconds would make that much difference?

Would I get it again? I would! I'd like to try the other three from the range, but I think I'd probably wait for them to go on offer and also make sure I let it stand for the full 90 seconds.

It's a great idea and makes a nice change from a sandwich or soup at lunch time.

Munchie stuff

Wednesday 3 January 2018

Dominos pulled pork pizza

If there was ever a food trend that looked set to stay for the long haul, I think pulled meats are right up there. Pulled pork started the trend and - obviously knowing it couldn't fail - Dominos released this pulled pork pizza.

Topped with chipotle pulled pork, red and green peppers, red onion and sweetcorn, this pizza costs £18.99 for a large, but Dominos ALWAYS have great deals on, so I don't think anyone ever pays full price.

When the pizza came to the door, I could smell that fresh pepper smell and my mouth was already watering! The pizza had a good amount of topping, but I'd definitely have liked to have seen more sweetcorn!

We all know the Dominos pizza crust is amazing - salty, doughy with whatever herbs they whack on it; is there anything better than a pizza crust covered in that amazing garlic and herb dip?

The toppings of this pizza were incredible - the pulled pork was cooked perfectly and was tender and juicy, with a kick from the chipotle spice. The vegetables tasted fresh, with a nice crunch from the peppers and a sweetness from the sweetcorn (still would have liked more of the latter). I'd go as far as saying this is my new favourite pizza from Dominos.

My wife found the pulled pork quite spicy; she said it was nice, but by the third slice she definitely needed the garlic dip. In her opinion, this would work better with bbq sauce on the base, so maybe worth customising your pizza, if you're a bbq sauce fan.

We both agree that this is a great pizza and, although it doesn't quite beat the Mexican fiesta or chicken tikka pizzas that once were, this is one we will be having regularly.

Munchie stuff

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Morrisons volcanic vindaloo

Call me a glutton for punishment, but - when I spotted it at my local Morrisons - the dare devil in me was dying to try this volcanic vindaloo. I love a bit of spice and normally get a madrass from my local Indian take away, so I thought I was well equipped to deal with a supermarket curry.

The curry costs £3.25 on it's own, but you can get two mains and two sides for £7 - bargain!

I heated my meal in the microwave and, as the curry warmed up, the spices were already tickling my nostrils. I knew then that I was in for a heated experience.

It even looks spicy, doesn't it?

The first mouthful of this curry was actually quite pleasant - tender chicken and a tasty sauce... then came the heat, and it sure was one spicy vindaloo! After that first taste, my mouth was on fire and I began to wonder if I had any taste buds left, because it felt as though they'd been burnt off.

The spice reaches a level and stays there, which would be fine if that heat level wasn't like being trapped between an erupting volcano and the sun!

In all honesty, this curry was actually tasty, but the heat level means this is probably more of an eating challenge, rather than a meal you could sit and savour and enjoy!

I'm glad I gave it a go, but I couldn't say I'd hVe it again. That said, I'm never one to step dowm from a challenge!

Munchie stuff