Friday 12 January 2018

M&S red pesto chicken ready meal

A few days ago, whilst browsing the ready meals in M&S, I came across this new red pesto chicken from their Balanced for You range. I didn't buy it, but I went home and regretted leaving it on the shelf. A few of my Instagram followers asked for review, so it was only right I went back to get it.

The meal costs £5, which I think is pretty steep - even for M&S - so I grabbed 3 meals for £10 (salmon and chilli were my other choices).

The meal consists of chicken, spinach pasta, peppers and butternut squash, with a red pesto sauce. It looked tasty and smelt amazing, as it heated up in the microwave.

Excuse my presentation - I was too eager to eat!

The chicken was very tasty, with a lovely sharpness from the pesto. I was pleasantly suprised at how juicy the meat was, as chicken has the tendency to go dry when it's microwaved.

The spinach pasta was nice, but I expected more spinach flavour and it lacked a bit in that department. Still a good pasta though, and it tasted delicious with the sauce.

I enjoyed the peppers (fun fact: red peppers are the only ones I actually like) as they were sweet, juicy and had plenty of flavour. They'd maintained some crunch, which was a nice contrast in texture to the rest of the meal.

The butternut squash I wasn't keen on at all, as it had turned mushy and had a very bitter taste to it. I always find butternut squash a bit hit and miss, and I think green beans or courgette would have worked better with this meal.

The sauce was beautiful - full of flavour, with a sharpness that was cut by sweetness from the red pepper in the sauce. It was gorgeous, but there just wasn't enough of it, which is a massive shame.

I enjoyed this meal and it was lovely to see something new in the Balanced for You selection. However, this meal is definitely not work £5 and I wouldn't buy it at that price. The portion is quite small and the sauce:pasta ratio is totally off. I'd have it again, but it wouldn't be a regular purchase.

Munchie stuff

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