Saturday 20 January 2018

Jim Buddy peanut butter protein doughnut

Given that we are still in January, the month synonymous with diets and weight loss, it seems only right I review a diet friendly treat.

Last week I placed an order with Cardiff Sports Nutrition (top class service, in case you're interested) and finally got my hands on a Jim Buddy doughnut.

The 50g doughnut cost me £2.75 - remember though, this is a protein product - and contains 8g of protein and just 99 calories, which I think is about a quarter of a Reeses doughnut from Krispy Kremes.

I had my doughnut for breakfast, accompanied by a coffee - channelling my inner American cop stereotype - what better breakfast is there?

The peanut butter icing is super sweet! It's gritty and definitely had that mild tangy, chemical after taste, that tends to be the norm with protein products. It wasn't horrible, but I could definitely tell that it was a fitness food. Fortunately, I could certainly taste the peanut butter, so at least it lived up to it's name.

The dougnut it's self was a suprise - it was light, with a sponge cake texture and tasted absolutely delicious. It wasn't very sweet, which made it the perfect partner for the tooth achingly sweet icing. I definitely prefer proper bready, doughy doughnuts, but this was a good substitute.

Now, this is most definitely not going to replace my Krispy Kreme fix, but it's really nice to see more and more healthier offerings that actually taste good! They are pricy, but if they help you to stick to your diet then you probably won't mind paying a bit extra.

I would definitely get these again, especially because I have been eying up the chocolate orange doughnut. Look out for that review in the future!

Munchie stuff

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