Monday 18 December 2017

Sainsburys turkey dinner ready meal

Taking a break from Festive snacks, today's review features a Christmas ready meal! A turkey dinner ready meal, in fact. Perfect for those of us who fancy a Christmas dinner, without any of the hassle, before the big day.

The turkey dinner from Sainsburys, costs £3.75 and consists of slices of turkey breast, roast potatoes, a lone pig in blanket, carrots and sprouts, with a turkey gravy. Definitely sounds yummy, doesn't it? So, was it any good?

I followed the instructions (10 minutes in the oven for the potatoes, before the rest of the meal joins them) and I found the pig in blanket cooked a little while before everything else. Aside from that, the meal cooked perfectly. I plated it up as attractively as possible and was pleasantly suprised by the amount of meat and vegetables in the meal.

The potatoes tasted lovely, but they lacked the crispy skin you get from home made roasties. The middle of the roast potatoes was lovely and fluffy and had a great flavour, which kind of made up for the lack of crunch.

The gravy was lovely and rich, with a gorgeous meaty flavour and a nice level of saltiness. It was a slightly thicker-than-average gravy, but was still runny enough to spill over my plate. The texture was gorgeously smooth, and it was a great accompaniment to the dinner.

As I've already said, there was a good amount of meat and it had remained moist and juice, with a really good flavour. As someone who doesn't normally eat turkey (we have beef on out Christmas dinner) I was pleasantly suprised by how much I enjoyed this. It wasn't as good as home cooked meat, but it was great for a ready meal.

The vegetables were my only minor fault, as both the carrots and sprouts were al dente, and I prefer my vegetables cooked until they're soft. The carrots were also a little tasteless, but the sprouts had a great flavour. I'm a sprout lover, so was pleased that there were three on this dinner.

For £3.75 I think this is a good meal! You definitely get a reasonable sized portion and it tastes great. I mean, it doesn't beat a home cooked meal, but - for quickness and minimal washing up -  this is a decent meal.

I have to say, though, I'd have liked at least one more pig in blanket, as my single sausage looked a little sad on it's own.

Munchie stuff

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