Wednesday 13 December 2017

Tesco Christmas tree ice creams

Ice cream isn't something I associate with Christmas, mainly because the festive period occurs in December, when the weather tends to be bitterly cold. None the less, Ben & Jerry's always wheel out Minter Wonderland around this time of year, and most of the supermarkets bring out a mince pie flavoured ice cream.

While I was looking for the new Haagen Daz rum and raisin flavour, I spotted these Christmas tree shaped ice creams, akin to a magnum, but Christmas tree shaped and probably rubbish quality frozen treats. The choice between milk chocolate with vanilla ice cream and white chocolate with chocolate ice cream was easy, because I love chocolate ice cream.

Costing £1.40 for 4 ice creams, my thinking was - even if they were awful - they weren't too costly.

The ice creams are around the size of a Magnum and, as I bit off some of the chocolate shell, I was pleasantly suprised at how nice the chocolate was. It wasn't up to the standard of Milky bar, but as chocolate goes, this was creamy, sweet and a very pleasant chocolate.

The chocolate ice cream was much as I expected, with a mild cocoa taste but you can tell this isn't great quality ice cream as it has that tell tale gritty texture. It was fine, but it wasn't something I'd rave about. I think I'd actually have preferred the milk chocolate with vanilla ice cream, because I imagine that would be like a choc ice, and who doesn't like a retro pud?

I can't really complain about these, because they are nice and they were a reasonable price for a box of four. My kids loved them and I think that's their target market, plus I'd prefer these to that awful M&S chocolate orange ice cream, reviewed here

Munchie stuff 

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