Tuesday 12 December 2017

Starbucks toffee nut latte

Starbucks isn't a coffee shop that I visit very often, but if I fancy an iced latte or a mocha it's my first port of call. A few weeks back, my intention was to get the aforementioned mocha, but when I saw the toffee nut latte on the menu I changed my mind.

The tall (a small) drink set me back £2.80, but Starbucks mugs are pretty huge, so I didn't feel robbed!

The barista had adorned my drink with a Christmas tree, but I took a big slurp before I snapped my drink - you can kind of see it though, can't you?

Normally (with the exception of a mocha) I don't like sweet coffee drinks, but in the name of Christmas I happily downed my festive beverage and actually very much enjoyed it.

Unlike with the Costa salted caramel cappuccino, I could taste the coffee in the toffee nut latte - and although it was sweet (the toffee element means I expected sugar) the syrup was secondary to the espresso, which suited me perfectly. I could taste both the buttery sweetness of the caramel and the bitterness of the hazelnut, neither overpowered the other and both tasted really good combined with the espresso in my latte.

I really enjoyed my trip to Starbucks and I fully intend to grab a few more toffee nut lattes while they are still around! For a sweet drink with a coffee kick, this was perfect on a miserable rainy Saturday.

Munchie stuff

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